Legal AI: The New Frontier in Law Practice with ChatGPT for Lawyers

by Alicia


As the legal industry continues to evolve, technology has become a key player in enhancing client services and improving the quality of legal advice. AI-powered chatbots, in particular, are leading this technological revolution. Chatness, a top-tier AI chatbot, is transforming the legal landscape by offering a centralized knowledge base for lawyers and law firms, thereby establishing itself as the premier chatbot for legal professionals.

Chatness offers a free for test chatbot for lawyers, which can be trained to provide legal advice. This AI chatbot for legal advice, also known as AI lawyer, can be a game-changer for law firms, as it can handle a large volume of client queries, freeing up valuable time for lawyers to focus on more complex tasks.

Centered Knowledge

One of the key features of Chatness is its ability to generate knowledge for the bot by training it on any website, e-commerce, documentation, or public URL.

This feature, as described in the Chatness documentation, allows the bot to learn from a vast array of sources, making it an invaluable tool for law firms and a top choice among chat bots for law firms.

Chatness also allows for document training. Lawyers can upload up to 5 documents per training in various formats (.pdf, .csv, .md, .txt, .docx, .pptx, .xlsx).

Chatness adding docs for chatbot training

You can also enables the bot to be trained on specific documents, such as legal research papers or client information leaflets, making it a powerful tool in the realm of legal AI.

Learn more about how to feed your chatbot with knowledge in the Chatness documentation.

Prompt Customization

The bot prompt is made up of 5 building blocks: System Instruction, Context Fallback, Initial Prompts, Fallback Prompts, and Thread Greetings. These building blocks allow the bot to handle a conversation effectively, providing the user with a seamless experience. These are the best ChatGPT prompts for lawyers.

Chatness prompt customization for chatbots

The system instruction is an introductory set of rules prepended to the beginning of each conversation. You can use it to set the tone of your chatbot and to provide some information about your law firm so that your users can have the desired experience. This is how to use ChatGPT for lawyers.

The context fallback is a set of instructions that are used when the bot is unable to understand the user's input. The ability to understand the user input will depend on the current knowledge available to the bot, as well as the current set of configured intents.

The initial prompts are options presented to the user at the beginning of each conversation. They're useful to start new guided conversations with your users. You can use initial prompts to trigger intents and collect information from your users.

The fallback prompts are options presented to the user when the bot is unable to understand the user's input. The ability to understand the user input will depend on the current knowledge available to the bot, as well as the current set of configured intents.

The thread greetings is an introductory message prepended to the beginning of each new conversation, it's useful to give your users a good introduction of what your law firm is about, and what they can do with your bot.

Learn more about how to customize your chatbot prompt in the Chatness documentation.

Chat GPT Prompts

As an example, here are some of the best Chat GPT prompts for lawyers:

  1. For a general law firm:
System Instruction: You are {{bot_name}}, a helpful assistant for legal advice and legal services from {{business_name}}. 
Initial Prompts: What legal assistance do you need?; Do you need help with a specific legal issue?; Are you looking for a lawyer to represent you?; Book a consultation;
Fallback Prompts: Talk to a legal expert; Book a legal assistance; 
Thread Greetings: Welcome to our law firm, how can we help you today?
  1. For a law firm specializing in family law:
System Instruction: You are {{bot_name}}, a helpful assistant for family law advice and services from {{business_name}}.
Initial Prompts: Do you need help with a divorce process?; Are you looking for advice on child custody?; Need assistance with alimony issues?; Book a consultation;
Fallback Prompts: Talk to a family law expert; Book a family law consultation;
Thread Greetings: Welcome to our family law firm, how can we assist you today?
  1. For a law firm specializing in business law:
System Instruction: You are {{bot_name}}, a helpful assistant for business law advice and services from {{business_name}}.
Initial Prompts: Do you need help with a business contract?; Are you looking for advice on business formation?; Need assistance with a business dispute?; Book a consultation;
Fallback Prompts: Talk to a business law expert; Book a business law consultation;
Thread Greetings: Welcome to our business law firm, how can we assist you today?
  1. For a law firm specializing in intellectual property law:
System Instruction: You are {{bot_name}}, a helpful assistant for intellectual property law advice and services from {{business_name}}.
Initial Prompts: Do you need help with a patent application?; Are you looking for advice on copyright issues?; Need assistance with a trademark dispute?; Book a consultation;
Fallback Prompts: Talk to an intellectual property law expert; Book an intellectual property law consultation;
Thread Greetings: Welcome to our intellectual property law firm, how can we assist you today?
  1. For a law firm specializing in criminal law:
System Instruction: You are {{bot_name}}, a helpful assistant for criminal law advice and services from {{business_name}}.
Initial Prompts: Do you need help with a criminal case?; Are you looking for advice on bail procedures?; Need assistance with a plea bargain?; Book a consultation;
Fallback Prompts: Talk to a criminal law expert; Book a criminal law consultation;
Thread Greetings: Welcome to our criminal law firm, how can we assist you today?

Learn more about how to customize your chatbot prompt in the Chatness documentation.

ChatGPT 4 for Lawyers

ChatGPT 4 is the latest version of ChatGPT, a powerful AI model that combined with Chatness can be effectively trained on any website, e-commerce, documentation, or public URL.

This means that your legal AI chatbot can learn from a vast array of legal literature and resources, making it a powerful tool for providing accurate and reliable information for your clients.

Embed Widget

Chatness also offers a widget that can be customized to better represent your brand. You can configure a variety of things such as branding, call to action, theme, primary color, background color, and greetings. This widget can be installed on your website, providing your clients with an easy way to interact with your bot, making it a free legal AI chatbot for your users.

Chatness widget customization for embed chatbots

Learn more about how to customize your embed chatbot widget in the Chatness documentation.


In conclusion, Chatness is a powerful tool for law firms, providing a centralized base of knowledge for lawyers. Its ability to learn from a vast array of sources, handle conversations effectively, and be customized to represent your brand makes it the best chatbot for lawyers. With the advent of ChatGPT 4 for lawyers, the legal industry is set to experience a new frontier in law practice.

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